Bylaws of the American Civil Liberties Union of the University of Chicago


Article I: Name


The name of this organization shall be the Undergraduate Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union of the University of Chicago, hereafter the Chapter.


Article II: Purpose


The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is our nation's guardian of liberty, working daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to all people in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States. The ACLU's mission is to fight civil liberties violations wherever and whenever they occur. The ACLU supports the international struggle for human rights and works to ensure that the US government abides by the civil liberties principles embedded in the various conventions, covenants and declarations adopted by the international community.


The purpose of the Chapter will be to foster awareness and education of the individual rights and liberties, and the threats to them, of the persons on and around the University campus. The Chapter will further the efforts of the national and state offices of the ACLU.


Article III: Field of Membership


Sec. 1 - Membership shall not be limited based on race, sex, ethnic or national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, disability, or citizenship.

Sec. 2 - The voting membership shall be limited to currently registered, full- or part- time, students at the University of Chicago.

Sec. 3 - General membership shall be open to all interested parties, including professors and other employees of the University as well as interested community parties.


Article IV: The Executive Committee


Sec. 1 - The Executive Committee is the guiding and authoritative body of the Chapter. Elected officers shall be the sole members of the Executive Committee. All officers have equal voting rights on the Committee.

Sec. 2 - The Executive Committee shall be made up of no less than five (5) voting members.

Sec. 3 - Executive Committee meetings shall be open to the public unless

    a) Impeachment proceedings are underway, or

    b) The Committee votes, with a 2/3 supermajority in favor, to hold a private meeting,

    At least one (1) meeting per month, three (3) meetings per academic quarter, not including summer quarter, must be open to the general membership. Any meeting open to voting membership must also be open to general membership.

Sec. 4 - The members of the Executive Committee have the following responsibilities:

    a) Creating and maintaining an active Chapter that pursues the above stated Purpose.

    b) Creating and maintaining an environment of empowerment for the General Membership, to pursue goals, individually or collectively, that help achieve the Purpose.

    c) Holding at least two (2) general meetings per month

Sec. 5 - The official positions of the Executive Committee shall be as follows

    a) An Executive Director (President) shall assume primary responsibility for coordinating all Chapter activities and presiding over meetings.

    b) A Managing Director (Vice President) will serve as the primary aide to the executive director (see below). The managing director shall assume the duties of the executive director when the executive is not present.

    c) A Treasurer shall be a member of the Executive Committee. S/He shall be given an evaluation by the Executive Committee at the end of each quarter. If the treasurer fails to pass his/her evaluation, s/he shall lose his/her position on the Executive Committee. It shall be up to the members of the Executive Committee whether to replace the treasurer position or have a current member of the Committee fill the position. However, the number of members on the Executive Committee may not fall below the five person requirement. The treasurer will be responsible for completing all monetary transactions, making formal written requests for money from University agents designated for such purposes, and other fund raising activities. Decision making power over the Chapters funds resides with the majority of the Executive Committee. All funds collected shall be deposited in the ORCSA account of the American Civil Liberties Union of the University of Chicago.

    d) An Outreach Director will be the primary contact for any organizations working with the Chapter and reach out to other RSOs for co-sponsorship or other necessities.

    e) A Secretary shall be a member of the Executive Committee. S/He will be responsible for management of the list host and regularly updating the membership on current RSO activities.

Sec. 6 - The Executive Director, with the majority consent of the Executive Committee, may create appointed positions as needed that may sit on the Executive Committee

    a) These appointees receive no voting rights on the Committee.

    b) The attendance of appointees at Committee meetings will occur on an invite-only basis.

Sec. 7 - The officially appointed positions of the Executive Committee shall be as follows

    a) A Technology Administrator will be a member of the Executive Committee responsible for the upkeep and regular updating of the RSO's website, and to serve as the RSO's liaison to all matters related to technology, such as assisting with AV equipment when necessary.


Article V: Election of the Executive Committee


Sec. 1 - Elections for Executive Director, Managing Director, Technology Administrator, Treasurer, Secretary, and Outreach Director shall be held during Spring Quarter of the academic year. Officers elected at this time shall assume responsibilities at the end of the academic year. Their responsibilities shall cease at the end of the following academic year.

Sec. 2 - Candidates for the Executive Committee shall have attended at least eight (8) meetings in the current academic year.

Sec. 3 - All elections shall be decided by majority vote of all members in attendance. All votes shall be held by secret ballot.

    a) If available, a graduating member of the Executive Committee will serve as the election coordinators.

    b) Graduating members are not allowed to vote for Executive Committee positions, but they may participate in the election in a non-voting capacity.

Sec. 4 - Any vacancy in the Executive Committee shall be filled by election in accordance with Article V, Sec. 2, at a meeting to be held at the discretion of the Executive Director. If the Executive Director position is vacant, the meeting shall be held at the discretion of the Managing Director.